A project for Theater Aan Zee #2022
Co-produced by Vrije Universiteit Brussel
With support of Jan De Nul N.V., deMens.nu, huisvandeMens Brussel, deMens.nu Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Instelling Morele Diensteverlening Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest en Instelling Morele Diensteverlening West-Vlaanderen
Laetoli Amfitheater was a performance by artist Honoré as part of the Theater Aan Zee fringe festival. With the help of two bulldozers, normally used for shaping the beach pre-season, the artist created an amphitheater. This newly created “empty” space served as a playground for several performers to interact with. Afterwards the “Laetoli Amfitheater” was given back to the public and the sea to be reshaped anew.
Sportstrand (direction Mariakerke), Ostend